Diapause is a stage of suspended development to cope with unfavourable conditions. Many species of Zooplankton and insects exhibit diapause to tide over adverse climatic conditions during their development. Hibernation or winter sleep is a resting stage where in animals escape winters (cold) by hiding themselves in their shelters. They escape the winter season by entering a state of inactivity by slowing their metabolism. The phenomenon of hibernation is exhibited by bats, squirrels, and other rodents.

❖ Some Terminology 

➢ Ecotone —The transition area in between two communities is called ecotone. It has greater number of species and density.

 It is a transition zone between two communities where one type of community is modifying into another type of community is known as ecotone.

Edge effect—Species which occur most abundantly and spend their time in ecotone are called edge species. The tendency to increase variety and density of some organism at the community border is known as edge effect.

Biotic potential (Reproductive potential)— Under most favourable environmental conditions the maximum reproductive capacity of an species is known as biotic potential.

Ecological Niche— It is the functional role of any species in a ecosystem or community.
Habitat and specific function of any species in its ecosystem is known as ecological niche.

Vitality—Capacity of normal growth and reproduction for survival of a species is called vitality.

Helotism—Association in between two organisms, when one behaves as a master and another as slave. e.g. Lichen.